Member-only story
A Poem Made For Poets
To those who fight fear every day with words
People have told me
that I look different on the stage
than when I am just a person
in the crowd, watching and
I’m unsure what this difference is.
Am I fiercer being on display
or do I give a sort of softness
I try to hide so well in my daily life.
Daily life can be the monotonous tone
that keeps bleeding into the day
like a dial-up from the 90’s era,
looking to connect while I am looking to connect. Do I seem like a creature clawing at her cage attempts made to escape only to fail this day,
yesterday while tomorrow
has a whole new promise.
Promise, the word I barely believe in
like a thing of myth but I know it exists.
I’ve seen promises in effect
those hope bearing words
that gives me goosebumps to think
in this day and age hoping isn’t
to be squashed or squandered.
If I am anything to be seen
I wish for hope to be the name
said in my lips repeatedly
perseverance worn on my sleeve
resilience another title for me to hold
like a broken animal I keep
bringing back to…