How It Feels To Burn My Body With Your Stare
A short poem
Stamping out the validity
of my emotions as if
the mere presence
of them disgusts
every fiber within.
If you could burn
my being with your
stare I wouldn’t be
standing here,
shoulders roll back
muscles creaking
with my challenge
against your contempt.
I can feel the heat of it
your eyes rooted on my back
memorizing the curvature
of my spinal cord
causing me to tense
just by your breath
being breathed
you are in all of me
in every questioning
of my beginning,
ending, this middle
I’m in right now.
A pile of ashes are left behind
caused by your ill contained
contempt, and I am risen from them
always a Phoenix of self discovery
your breath no longer causing
that crux of my movements
I will spread my wings,
I will be
and you can choose
to watch me.