Member-only story
I Don’t Understand Kindness
When you aren’t raised to believe in humanity
I don’t understand kindness
I was never taught it
but I do know it
I know the way I’ve been picked up
battered, beaten, barely breathing
my rib cage exposed
heart still beating
saying I can keep going
demanding that I keep living
I’ve had my brain
be the most unkind thing ever
telling me I’m worthless
whispering to me to give in
stop trying, why try?
It eats me from the inside out
like a parasite looking to burst forth
to emerge from my shell of a body
to take my place in this world
yet I don’t give in
I expand, breathe deeper
open my eyes to grey
that gives into a new day
I see colors I was blind to
life in the smallest shapes
this is the only way I can fight it