Member-only story
How to give them the bird and let it sing
I’m an expert in not giving a fuck
I’m an expert in fuck ups
wait, delete, then rewrite the line
I’m an expert in not giving a damn
what you think of me,
I’m not sure if ‘expert’ can be expressed
how your eyes
play against my skin
like memorizing my measurements
as if it’s a map to lead you to treasure
doesn’t matter to me,
or how I didn’t quite line up
with the normal you had
in your mind,
mine is a playground
of lights,
and being
whatever the fuck I want to be
I’m an expert in not caring,
your words meant to bring me down
bouncing off the edges
like a pinball machine
you’re trying to get that metal ball
in the hole,
but I keep resetting it
because if you think
that my way of thinking
is incorrect,
you’ll only be reset
in my game,
try again,
the sound playing
for you to hear it
understand that I’m okay
with my expert status
you ask me,
can I apply for this
not give a fuck status?
I say it’s simple,
take a deep breath,
feel it in your lungs
close your eyes
feel the pulse of the universe
beating with your heart
outstretch your hand
and give anyone the finger
that has something against
your level of humanity
let the little bird sing
your praises
of how it just doesn’t matter
about anyone else’s opinion
except your own.