Member-only story
The Screwed Circumstances Of Love
How we keep choosing it again and again despite it all
The cold air tries to find its way within the crevices of my clothes. I wish for something warm between my lips. I imagine his lips pressed against mine. The way he holds me with that perfect tightness. I can almost smell his scent as he pulls me into his broad chest.
A sigh releases from my chest I had been holding for what seems like forever. My shoulders scrunch up toward my ears at the sense of a hand on my back. I turn my head to see Barry staring at me.
“I fell for him like a box of cards stacked up just too top heavy. I tumbled and came crashing down.”
I raise my hand at the water swirling below us. I bring it down on the frigid blockade separating us from tumbling down the hill into the water below. Barry chuckles and I glance at him. He’s shaking his head with that classic smile of his. His lips are held tight to hold back exposing his teeth.
“You and metaphors.”
“It’s a thing, I can’t help making something terrible sound beautiful.”
Barry and I stand outside facing the body of water. The cool breeze caresses our shoulders. His warm, wool jacket is quite the contrast to my leather jacket. I shiver slightly and I feel an arm around my…