Member-only story
What’s your legacy if you don’t want children?
How do you want people to remember you?
What is something that we all inherently want, yet it’s an innate thing? Something that’s sown into our DNA since our creation. It’s that necessity to leave a fingerprint on this world that will stick after we’re gone. Biology answered this quondam with an essential thing that supposedly everyone is tapped into. The biological clock that ticks within us to have children. Our genetic makeup will go on when we are past and nothing but ashes to ashes and dust to dust.
As human beings we want a legacy, something that outlives us. The question I posed to myself was what is the legacy of someone who doesn’t want children? What can we leave others with that will outlive our time on this Earth?
The answer is something quite simple that it seems like it won’t fit. We leave an impression of ourselves. An imprint of our essence for others to take and hold onto. The essential ingredients of who we are is what we can leave as a keepsake. Then it becomes a question of do people truly know who you are?
My answer to that question is an absolute, definite no. No one really knows the whole of me, but really pieces or fractions of myself. I’m a jigsaw puzzle jumbled with forgotten pieces stolen and never returned to their rightful place. I’ve…